
Showing posts from April, 2012

Just Friends....Best Friends...Friends Forever...

There is such excitement in writing today’s blog that I am already feeling lively..Feeling young.. Feeling full of energy and can’t wait to get this posted…!!  That’s what F.R.I.E.N.D.S do to you in life…and this one is about how my friends have helped and are helping me stay a better person. As Jo keeps saying, relatives are gifts from god…they are sold to you in a package when you are born, with “ goods once sold cannot be returned” tag… But the real gifts in life are the friends that you had….that you have … and those you will make.. For, it is always “You” who will choose …to be friends with someone…! There is something about those school days in primary..when you wait for that PT period…despite the fact that you are scared of PT sir twisting your ear till it becomes red…you still crave that period more than the Social Studies or Moral Science…The rush in getting out of the classroom…running to the ground and making 2 teams…to not even think of getting stinky shirts and...

Pursuit of Happiness...

Its summer in India and my little son, is part of that gang of few kids who are testing the power of Sun god..measuring how much can it tan their skin...being in swimming pool from 11 to 2pm...making sure the sun can't escape them... The day starts early... yup..they get up on their own..this miracle happens only in Summer holidays and its been happening across generations...mine too:-) its either cricket or some other ball game before food like you are in a " Minute to win it" challenge...rush to pool...make sure the sun gets tired of burning their skin...come home for food.. There is absolutely no time to take a could they..its not that there is some home work pending...or some project at school that they have to finish which usually brings them sleep.. :-) I see tiredness running away from these bunch of kids..Abhi's mind is always thinking what next...where can we have fun...what do we do...what do we do... and if I am around...the q...

Back to Writing..Back to Life!!!

When I started to write..long ago, it was either home work or at best, grocery list that my mom never finished dictating till we reached the shop. Slowly, there was this phase during high school in Mysore, that I remember falling in love and trying to put together few words I had read here and write my love letters.. As usual, they went to the bin before I finsihed reading it the second time.. yup! my kids would have looked different..and Jo would have been happier with a better husband, had I ever dared to give those letters to those who would read it more than twice!! In college, the ink changed..the words changed...mostly influenced by the movies and old songs which played amidst the horrible loudspeaker's surrondsound in my small little room...sleepless nights..wonderful day dreams in which I was always a hero...:-) Jo was the only one who tolerated me in Bangalore..and I wrote for her and about her... not many did she read..but some which she read or even saw....