Pursuit of Happiness...

Its summer in India and my little son, is part of that gang of few kids who are testing the power of Sun god..measuring how much can it tan their skin...being in swimming pool from 11 to 2pm...making sure the sun can't escape them...

The day starts early... yup..they get up on their own..this miracle happens only in Summer holidays and its been happening across generations...mine too:-) its either cricket or some other ball game before breakfast...eat food like you are in a " Minute to win it" challenge...rush to pool...make sure the sun gets tired of burning their skin...come home for food..

There is absolutely no time to take a nap...how could they..its not that there is some home work pending...or some project at school that they have to finish which usually brings them sleep.. :-) I see tiredness running away from these bunch of kids..Abhi's mind is always thinking what next...where can we have fun...what do we do...what do we do... and if I am around...the question is naturally thrown to me..in a hope that I will guide him to his next state of happiness...

By the time the tired body hits the bed late at night, he would have lived the day completely...filled with things he enjoyed...not doing anything he doesn't like... not getting caught up with complex issues.. just living the day fullest... the dreams, I am sure...are nothing but plans for tomorrow...quenching his thirst for fun...helping his pursuit..to be always Happy...!

What makes these kids grow up and become like us...? why do we complicate our lives so much when we have grown up in our childhood just like this... This is how nature taught us to live...why do we end up listening to our ego's ..to our complex mind games...to our never ending aspirations and screw up the fundamental thing in life... " to have Fun "..

I have learnt this lesson from my little son...cant call him little anymore..he is three fourth my height.. but my height was never a benchmark anyways...:-) Abhi tells me in his own ways that life is nothing but a journey to have fun.. that is a lesson for the rest of my life..from my own seven year old genius!!!

I do remember him when I get caught up with Work issues..when deals don't come as expected..when I miss my forecast..when I fight with Jo..( yeah, for all those who think we are the greatest couple in NGV...sorry.. I fight with her)..I remember Abhi in most awkward moments of my life...

what he does to me is just amazing... he lets me live that moment with fun...and I swear to heavens...my life over the last few weeks has seen some lowest and highest peaks... and its Abhi and his logic of " being in a state of happiness "that has held me in good stead...

I have decided to drop the ball..drop the issues right there when it hurts me... because I no longer wish to be associated with anything that I don't enjoy...and I spend all time of my day doing things where I have fun... even at work...I talk to my customers with a relaxed mind... I am surprised the way I talk to some CEO's these days..as if he is my neighbour...that's the confidence my little baby has taught me...

At home..I have started to be fully involved in what I do...and Aditi really really loves being in my arms... resting on my shoulders...and I drop everything when she does that...

I am getting younger day by day...feel healthier day by day... I have fallen in love...with everyone and everything that makes me feel happy....and I share that in return... in my pursuit of happiness...!!


Vicky said…
This transported me to the summer hol's in mysore where I used to be out challenging the sun(suryange torch type)...But - the bigger picture of this write up is Super!! Hope you keep up the state of mind and are there to remind this to abhi when he will grow up and starts forgeting this and chasing the Mirage !!!
Maya said…
Lovely!!! Glad to see you are keeping up the writing mood for another day!:)
Billa said…
Good re-start. reminds me of my own resolve to restart :) All credit to the bus sriver who gave you the near death threat experience ;)

I am sure all of us recognize this point - we are self motivated only when there is no compulsion.(Paradox?) Whether it is about writing, or getting up in summer holidays or not feeling energetic on a week day.

Searching for "Happyness" in reaching targets, work achievement and social circle contacts is like trying to be happy by saving the dress of a drowning man.

Cheers, V
Beens said…
I just love to read your blog...i bet we can see a book coming from u when u resign from that too too busy job!! :) keep going anna...
Phani said…
Really cool Adi...Beautifully written..

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