“You are..What you are.. …when you are ALONE!!!”
Richard wrote this on our classroom’s blackboard under the thought for the day column.. This was in 9 th standard… It has stuck with me till date more than Richard has… :-) It is so true and everyone knows it. You will act / behave / Talk and sometimes even walk differently when you see a girl and if you are a gay, you when see a man. I am only talking about boys here…for I believe Girls are always the same. In front of others or when they are alone, they are faking :-).. ok ok..just kidding…( yeah right :-) ) It is very tough to get someone with whom you can trust to be yourself; without having to care if the other person would be judging you. So, you always will present your most polished Cheery Blossom face; which in reality is as much faking as everyone does on the first night of the wedding. But there is hope. Yes there is. For every now and then, you will find someone, out of the blue, who becomes a partner in life, love of your life or just a friend..Who i...