Love thy women!!!!!
For most of you who care…my writing is getting a little boring because I have been harping on just one theme for such a long time..that of friendships/heartaches /love at first and second sights/school crushes and adult fondness and all those temporary soft emotions of life…!!! I guess, in order to balance my life between being a teenager at heart and a middle aged bald short guy in reality..I have always been biased towards living a dreamy life..lovey dovey stuff has been my way of escaping from realities of life..but every dream has to end..isn’t it..? I definitely want to write more about the realities of life..the hunger in Somalia (which is sometimes similar to that in my office canteen)… about the wars being fought in Middle East (similar to our living rooms) ; about Indian Hockey team’s perfect score in London (which resembles my Trignometry marks in PUC )…about how water is costlier than milk in solar powered vehicles can save our politic...