Love thy women!!!!!

For most of you who care…my writing is getting a little boring because I have been harping on just one theme for such a long time..that of friendships/heartaches /love at first and second sights/school crushes and adult fondness  and all those temporary soft emotions of life…!!! I guess, in order to balance my life between being a teenager at heart and a middle aged bald short guy in reality..I have always been biased towards living a dreamy life..lovey dovey stuff has been my way of escaping from realities of life..but every dream has to end..isn’t it..?

I definitely want to write more about the realities of life..the hunger in Somalia (which is sometimes similar to that in my office canteen)… about the wars being fought in Middle East (similar to our living rooms) ; about Indian Hockey team’s perfect score in London (which resembles my Trignometry marks in PUC )…about how water is costlier than milk in solar powered vehicles can save our politicians rule this land and even Anna Hazare ends up being one of them!!.. and about farming in coorg and growing trees  for the next generation to eat their fruits…and more about my life when I wear formals ..about the hardships that guys of my clan…yup…we the Sales guys ..who go through a roller coaster ride every hour of our day…to please all kinds of customers..with a smile which is mostly fake..….and of course..I also want to write about the endless roles I play all day long of being a …Caring but why-R-U-not-talking-our-future “Husband”… /  Responsible but acts-like-a stupid “Father”.. / Obedient but you-never-call-us “Son”….  / Loving but you-are-never-there “Brother”…  / spontaneous but are-you-crazy “Lover”…  / goto-him-get-a-solution counselor … /  a please-don’t-spoil-my-tummy Cook…... /  a will-you-ever-stop-talking-for-once salesman… / and you are fit-to-be-just a Friend..nothing more nothing less chap!!!!

But for those who know me…I haven’t been very much mentored and groomed from men except the humbleness from my dad and way-to-live from my guru Pavan. The rest of my personality has been from the girls in my life..and for me…this sounds so say these things..but then… that’s probably  because I am a big MCP!

I kind of wonder at times  why do we refer our girls as the softer and fairer sex… except the fact that they don’t necessarily posses a stronger physique , ( ouch !!I have seen some exception there too ).. I strongly believe that we are wrong to refer them as the softer gender… All my life, I have lived and seen women who are the most strongest among all of us during  a crisis..have better analytical and logical reasoning when it comes to deciding where and how much to spend..Can control their temper better..enjoy sex and love at their own wish and terms ..Always use brains-to-think and mind-to-speak..unlike the parts that we use for the same acts!!…Their resolve is like steel…their faces during a fight is stone-cold and the same during love making is like fresh honey… their priorities don’t change like we the fickle minded men,..and of course..their perceptions  / passion and fondness never flicker..unlike we the mere mortals who seek clarifications every second.

That branding of girls being stronger than us reminds me again…what a big MCP I have been all my life….Being pointed out by my feminist friends ..but yet being in denial…I feel so pathetic that I am one among those rugged old fashioned men.. full of hair on their bare chest… big tummy tyres glittering in the reflection of their heavy gold bracelets …bad smelling mouth covered under their big moustache…who don’t give women the credit they deserve..and always generalize them to something under par and never agree that a woman can beat them in their own game. Guess…Once an MCP..always a MCP…!!

Despite being an unconscious MCP, I have always believed women to be superior than men. They excel is everything they want to do…just that..we the men of the house and men of the society deny them the chances right at the bud….We ensure that we groom a girl child… protect her from the eagles on the street when she becomes a teen…get them married soon to a safe man who is no longer an eagle and happily wash our hands as parents…and the husbands take over…ensure they are under their vigil all the time…till they become old wine…and in the end ..come the kids..who are now the take control… Gosh!! Sorry girls..the Curfew will remain forever..while the men keep flaunting their freedom in going wherever they want to go..chasing whatever dreams they have..sometimes…chasing the dreams of others too… one hell of an arrogant and confused lot we are….!!

I remember winning this debate with colleagues in Oracle once..when I took the opinion that men smartly sidelined women back in those that they could walk in the streets bare chest…and made women confined to marinate chicken breasts in the kitchens… what a smart move… Jackasses..imagine the world other way round…:-)

But I guess, the way our moms and their moms ran a kitchen is a testimony to the sharp mind a women has been gifted with. Despite being in poverty, mom’s have ensured that when you run in with a hungry tummy..there is always something for you to eat. The rotation of money  ; the art of barter systems ; the neighborhood ask-a-bowl-sugar credit system ;  needs v/s want theory all of these are practiced without a MBA degree by every women in a kitchen.. be it in Padavaralli or in New Jersey…women have run their houses with grace and dignity…without ever bothering the I-care-a-damn husbands that much..

These days, I watch some serials on TV while browsing in my quest to see Katrina’s belly-dance;  I see a trend where…the women is dressed to kill and looks an angel…but is always upto something cunning… mother in law plotting something against daughter-in law ;  Sister in law mixing something in the milk which her brother-in law drinks before sleeping with his third wife who has come back after their break up in previous life and after the first wife went missing with the handsome hunk of a rival channel…… Seriously ….I wonder…aren’t these guys the real MCP’s!! who stereotype our mothers and wives ( oops in some cases ..just one wife)…and brand them as a clan of Shakuni Mama….No wonder I ended up happily watching Doordarshan, where in London Olympics.. Mary Kom broke the opponent’s nose with her iron like punch…despite being a mother of a 5 year old…who a year ago didn’t dream to even lift her arms… came back to training just to win her country a medal at world’s biggest stage…!! What a punch that was!!

Till recently, I have always ended up like a frustrated ass with the women drivers…but now I frustration is not with them…its actually my issue.. that they don’t drive as rash as I do…they don’t break the rules the way I do…and the fact that some of them end up blocking my way when I want to overtake from wrong side of the road. I used to make the comment..saying..Uh! women!.why do they even drive… Sorry girls… I have fixed it in me now… These days..despite feeling the frustration,  I don’t swear at them anymore… infact I do glance at them…and if they happen to be very pretty…I do give them a pleasant smile…just to encourage them to come on road more often …:-)

Finally ..hats off for their ability to look stunning with their curves and smiles and sparkling eyes…despite going through so many hiccups and magical changes in their god crafted bodies…they bounce back…be it the courtesy of Deepa the beautician;  who actually is brutal than a butcher when she skins out the chicken and calls it threading and waxing… or a chetana beauty parlor dipping you in some mud and using a magic wand to bring out a Cinderella… or just a smelly papaya on their angel faces or a cutting edge stainless steel razor on their soft moist skin… for all the pain…it is worth it…!!!!!

We all Mcp’s say… " You are the the best…!!! Without you..we are always incomplete "…!!!!!!!


wow! is what i can say, and I am usually never short of words. The reasons for that. Firstly, I am surprised, I never knew you could write so well and secondly the nature of the post, coming from a man, the thought process is inspiring. I wish men the world over could read this. :)

It does take a lot of grit to admit all that you have and that I know you were never short off. The narration is fluid and the first person makes it an absolute delight to read, keep em coming Addy!

This is my first time at your blog, so will spend more time here and revert.
Rejenish said…
Agree with poetic licence :-) keep writing
Vicky said…
Ok, now what did you do? Why r u buttering women in general and Jo in particular? ;-)
Niranjan said…
Another good one and feels you speak my mind ;-). I completely agree how strong women are have many examples in my life too.

One thing I would disagree is on the women drivers part (I am yet to fix that in me) but agree that I too give them a glance and acknowledge if they are pretty ;-)).

Keep them coming :-)
Smitha Suresh said…
Don't listen to Vicky... great post :) good to know your perspective has shifted!

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