
Rakesh Jaitley, my colleague in Oracle and a very good friend inspired me to write this theme on Friends..  You feel humbled when someone like Rakesh says he loved reading what you wrote..For I have not known many like him, who takes life like a song..and most times, literally.. He is one of the happiest people I have come across and optimism takes notes from him when things are down…

There have been many friends I have in life and I will for sure take all of your names in my blog over time…for each one of you have made me what I am your own ways…

This was during my initial lonely days in Bangalore, when I was totally irritated with my parent’s decision to bring me to Bangalore from Mysore..I had been distanced from Billa and Phani…and the gang of boys and girls who all joined colleges together or atleast near to each other and met everyday… However, back here, I had no friends to even to fun..and to top it all, Dad got me into a college full of nerds.. and top 100 rank-holders in the, Imagine me, someone who played cricket, in between the morning and afternoon papers during the English final exam in walk into a class with people who asked your name and marks in the same breath… Now, who in their sane mind will not stereo-type these rank holders..:-) So I branded them aliens and I was the only one who didn’t feel part of those 100 guys inside that class.. till…:-)

I eventually met a girl, when her brother put his bike’s front wheel right inside my 2 legs …with the girl in the back seat..I didn’t even hear a sorry from Mahesh…but was looking at his sister behind…who was also a rank holder, but didn’t ask my marks ever..who had beautiful eyes and they didn’t search for my test results ever…who had a smile for everyone around her but never looked at me into my eyes.. And contrastingly sat in the first bench but didn’t look studious or never was a nerd…

I remember the first time she spoke to me in the stairs when I was walking like a dead body.. and she asked me if I could dance..:-) For heaven’s sake…that’s the last thing in the world I know to do..and I did the best thing I knew… I ran !!

The inside news was that her partner, the best man of the class, our leader Ajay was elected to something bigger post than he already was…and had ditched being part of this dance team, which had practiced for the college event.. and their back up plan was a six footer..who didn’t shake anything..Forget a leg…

So the hunt was on for a guy in the class who is short and can dance… and the stars played a role for me to be the one… who will make sure our class had participation at least ..not losing face in front of the entire college..its a different matter altogether that we went on to win the first prize and then did a show again for inter college and blah blah blah…no one realized that I got the most out of this entire exercise… I got Jo..!!!

Like this, you meet people in most unexpected scenarios…and spend some time with home or at hostel or on the journey or on a tour or at work…and before you realize.. you get involved..!!  you will start slowly liking them for their personality..for their kindness to you…and you start missing them when they aren’t around you.. Yes,  you will have to see them in their elements to be really get involved… It would be stupid of me to say that this happens for only people in college. There is no age bar for finding a new friend…anyways, that’s a deviation from my PUC days…will have another blog for this :-)

Becoming popular has its own good things.. I remember after the dance on stage, when I was still getting my legs into my pants in a empty classroom,  Jo comes in and says that there are 2 girls waiting out to meet me..! Now that’s something that would happen to me normally if I have stolen their tiffin boxes or someone wrote them love letters with my name at the end… when they said they loved my eyes on stage and came to congratulate me… I was most embarrassed..Especially when Jo burst out in laughter..!! 

I don’t remember those girls now but will always remember the PUC life for Jo.. as she was the only one in those years... who tolerated me and was my only friend apart from classmate..bus mate and only mentor who made sure I passed PUC, both years :-) For all the crushes I had and all the talk…not a single girl apart from Jo who missed me those years if I was on leave…and the reason was there to see… everyone was taller  than me !!!:-)) jokes apart, I found a friend in Jo when I was going down in life and was becoming an alien all by myself…

I never believe that a boy and a girl could be just friends.. unless one of them is lying about it J I know Sumathi will kill me for this…she is the only one I have who is my friend without a hint of anything else between us.. Rest all have either kicked me out after I flirted with them / or no longer friends with me for I didn’t value their friendship…or they got married and feel it’s wrong to fall in love!!

Ok Ok… I was just kidding… Friends are unbiased for gender…looks…status I know I know..but what is an Adarsh’s  blog without some spice uh..??

I have had girl friends from my primary days.. my little sister knows them all..and thankfully doesn’t remember most of them.. I would put them as “ Curious “ for Primary School days…. “ Crush” for High School days… “ First love”.. in PUC … and anything beyond your study days ,when you are earning and fall in love , …” Mature”.   When you fall in love really late in life…after thirties… “ Just Awesome” :-)

Now, the only friendship that doesn’t change is between boys… or between girls.. ( Exceptions asideJ it wasn’t legal when we were growing up ) My guys have stuck with me just the way we met for the first time… My Tenth standard boys are just the way they were when we were in School… Nothing comes in between us… Money  / status / job / relationships / Ego / Attitude….I can go on.. and nothing comes between us… I swear, you are lucky if you have one of these gangs…. I know my boys are smiling when they read this…and girls must be asking what did we do…. Yup… You girls and we boys changed our equations a little…or should I say, I am more careful talking to you now..for all of us changed a bit after we got married…

I remember Jo had a super gang of many boys and 4 girls.. I am friends with almost all of them ; especially the 4 girls :-) .. but I remember how that gang eventually broke…the bulb now blinking because of an handful of guys in Deepu and Rajenish….Sometimes, I have felt guilty..probably to have taken away Jo after marriage from them…or not pushed her enough to go and spend time with them… I do push her to revisit that gang again…but with kids on either side of my waist…she is not that eager to do a midnight drive..or a mekedattu these days… But the sparkle in her eyes when she speaks of these boys and girls is the best I have ever seen… It’s closest to the way they shine when she sees Abhi or Aditi..

The journey with Jo is what prompted me for the title of this blog… Being an eternal romantic at heart.. I wrote my first letter to Jo when I had still not finished my first lesson in Trignometry.. and this time , it was her turn… to Run!! It took us a long break from each other and when I called her after a gap of 2 years .. all I wanted to know was if she was still angry with me or moved on with life..!! as usual, I would have said a sorry… if she blamed me for thinking her friendship with me was special..It wasn’t special…not only then..but for many years to come..!!

I had many friends during this phase too…who eventually taught me how to be happy always… how to see things with optimism.…how to live…how to be not to have an to be positive when things crash… and this includes a long list of you all…especially people who are now in my home / Dubai / US  / London / Pune / Bangalore / Mysore /Coorg and Canada.. …  ( just noticed..strangely, except Smriti…none of my friends are in Mysore…only their parents stay there :-(

You do make many gangs of friends post your marriage… and these could be the ones from your workplace…( always have the tag hanging when you guys meet)… or the gang could be the one that you love travelling with… ( I am blessed Jo got me to Prashanth and Aravind..our pillars of Neeli gang..and through them Shoba and Nimmi).. Eventually these gangs either grow or dismantle as people marry and have kids…..lucky to be part of the growing gangs…:-)

Like in the case of my wife…where we shared a journey that we relate to a test match..with 4 innings representing our journey  and transformation….phase of Just Friends…then to becoming good friends and then to best friends and eventually Friends forever… Yup..this is the last stage where one partner can run but can’t hide…:-)

When you are friends forever…  both of you are there for life…despite hiccups…despite hardships…you are made for each other..And in life, you should have more than a handful of these friends..for life is worth living with these buddies… it doesn’t matter if you haven’t called them or kept in touch with them for years…when you meet them after many years… it seems as if there was no gap between your last meeting to now…Have you ever imagined that happening with atleast one relative of yours…?

This transformation of being just being friends to Friends-Forever happens to all of us...and it has happened to me besides Jo…where suddenly you feel you are much closer to someone than what you were before…like Beena , my sister…who has become a backbone of my life after she was reborn …my high school friends…an handful who remain and I can’t think my day without you ..… my MBA gang…where I had the most fun as a young adult… from my days in Oracle…few in number but friends for life…my friends from Police quarters…with whom I have grown up and who make me laugh from my heart…my Neeli gang..without whom I feel even a journey to market is a waste….I feel blessed…!!

I have decided to be a nice friend… better than yesterday…,everyday… will proactively keep in touch…will add a little joy to all of you… a small return gift for a lovely life that you have all made for me..!!!!


Anonymous said…
Woaaah dude! the writer in you seem to be on a full swing:)!..... nice blog, i felt like I am watching a fusion movie between 'When Addy met Jo' and 'Wonder Years' :). I am sure all those you mentioned in your blog are nodding their heads and saying the same things about you too :) God bless you Mr.Sparkle!, keep blogging.... Cheers Kiran
Rakesh Jaitly said…
AD....I belive you must be drunk while writing about me......Otherwise there is nothing in me which stands out. But , anyways thanks for think such good things about me.... Happiness comes to me because of friends like u.... keep on writing...we do look forward to your blogs...
Billa said…
I have heard about the proverbial "open book" life... you are leading a "open-blog" life my friend. I love the return of innocence in you.. I say this in the most positive way, though innocence is not considered to be a marketable trait in this present world. Fly high my dear friend... let the force be with you.
Vicky said…
One dance competition can lead to two wonderful kids antha ivathu gothaytu.Having written this on an auspicious day, i was disappointed that u did not mention or even refer to the friends u had on this day 9 yrs ago...;-).May be thats for another blog then.

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